
January 12 - 14th, 2024
3rd Floor of the Campus Center


We're excited to announce our rebranding to GOATHACKS!

Registration Is Open!

Please take a moment to read through our FAQ section below. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at hack@wpi.edu

This event will be run according to the Goathacks Code of Conduct.

GOATHACKS in previous years

Event Schedule

Friday January 13th    
06:00 PM Doors Open / Check-In Begins
06:30 PM Opening Ceremony Begins
07:00 PM
07:30 PM
Opening Ceremony Ends
07:30 PM Team Formation Activity
08:30 PM Merch Drop
09:00 PM Workshop1

Saturday January 14th
09:00 AM Breakfast
12:30 PM Lunch
01:00 PM Workshop2
02:00 PM Workshop3
05:00 PM Workshop4
07:00 PM Dinner
08:00 PM Movie Night
10:00 PM Games (Jackbox, Gartic Phone, skribbl.io)

Sunday January 15th
09:00 AM  Drop-in Breakfast
11:00 AM   Project Submission Deadline (Upload to DevPost!)
12:00 PM   Workshop5
02:30 PM   Closing Ceremony and Awards

Looking to Sponsor?

Interested in sponsoring? See our sponsor packet below and reach out to us at hack@wpi.edu

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we will be providing food and refreshments for all attendants, more information to come!

Anyone who is attending a university! Hackers must be 18+ years old and must be attending a college or university to participate.

You do NOT need to know how to code in order to participate! Hack@WPI 2023 is open to all kinds of STEAM disciplines, and we encourage both software and hardware hacks. This means the event is not limited to just CS majors or programmers -- practically anybody can participate. 

Tools, hardware and machines are available to WPI students in the Makerspace in the Innovation Studio; students should see makerspace.wpi.edu for more details.

Teams can range anywhere from 1 to 5 people.

The venue will be open over night for all participants to stay and work!

Contact Us!



